The people of Okinawa has the longest life
expectancy in Japan, thanks at least in the small part to their use of local
medical plants and marine resources. And Okinawan dietary habits have received
a lot of attention lately. Many researchers and otherwise-curious individuals
make pilgrimages to the island in hopes of discovering the secret to the famed
longevity of its people, and many of them believe that the secret lies in the
island's food
Although Okinawa is not concentrated industrial center, health-related industries are
starting to flock to the area to make use of the medical plants, marine
resources, deep-sea water, and other local resources provided by the natural
environment in this sub-tropical region.
By request of small and medium-sized manufacturers, Okinawa Agent started to promote their unique products based on the traditional herbal
and cooking remedies so as to share good health with as many people in
the world as possible. We will keep on posting premium products not only
from Okinawa but also from other parts of Japan, that have been already
acquired fame in major cities in Japan such as Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka
and many more. Some of which may be seen on the shelf at Japanese supermarkets,
convenience stores and/or department stores near your cities.
Please click the bellow links on all about Okinawa detailed in its histry,
culturer, people and many more...
