A Japanese researcher has found that a polysaccharide known as Fucoidan found in brown seaweeds such as konbu, wakame, mozuku and hijiki, causes various types of established cancer cell lines to self-distruct. It is said that among various seaweeds, Mozuku includes much more fucoidan than the others. But fucoidan can be obtained by only 1% even from mozuku raw materials. It is noteworthy to know that Okinawans’ seaweed consumption rate is the highest and the cancer death rate is the lowest in other Japanese prefectures.


Fucoidan content: more than 85%

NUTRIENTS per 100g
Energy: 307kcal/ potassium: 571.8mg/ protein: 2.4g/

calcium: 470.1mg/ Fat: 0.2g/ magnesium: 502.4mg/ carbohydrate: 73.9g/ iron: 3.4mg/ sodium: 3600.8mg/ zinc: 1.8mg/


Mozuku Extract → mixing → Sterilization at more than 80 c → spray drying → Inspection(CCP1) → Packaging
Click the top picture for all about Mozuku Fucoidan.
Refer to Shipping Fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022.
 Each unit price of Fucoidan extract powder has been raised after Novembe 1, 2023 due to the rising production costs as bellow described in red

 Order Qty  Unit Price  Shelf Life
 Less 5kg  JPY91,200/kg   2 years     
 More than 5kg   JPY87,000/kg
 More than 10kg  JPY84,900/kg 
 More than 50kg   JPY83,750/kg
 Okinawa Fucoidan 53.1g (295mg x 180 capsules)
    Japanese version

     English version
       for the box

Made from fucoidan, which has been derived from Okinaa mozuku seaweed widely

recognized as a natural mozuku seaweed extract. Easy-to take capsules. “Okinawa Fucoidan 53.1g” contains the equivalent of 42g of mozuku seaweed extract.

Click the picture for the specification.
 Refer to Shipping Fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022.
  The prices in red has been applied on and after July 1, 2024 due to the production cost hike.
Unit Qty/carton   Unit Price  MOQ
capsules/ bottle 
20 bottles   JPY8,500  less cn
JPY8,000  1 cn
JPY7,000   25 cns
180 caps/bottle  
 20 bottles
with label and box
JPY7,000 25 cns
 20 bottles
with label
20 bottles
as plain bottle 
3,230 caps/kg
1kg/cn   114.400/kg  1kg
32,300 caps/10kg
 10kg/cn  112,450/kg 10kg 
  OEM with the bottle and/or box requires your desinged label and/or its box by sending them to the manufacturer.
 Fucoidan Extract capsule (300mg x 150 capsules)

Made from Fucoidan, a rich nutrient found in seaweed and extracted using our original method to maximize its potency. "Fucoidan Extract capsule per bottle contains the equivalent of 25g of mozuku seaweed extract.

Nutrients: Energy: 5.3kcal/ protein: 0g/ fat: 0.1g/ carbohydrate: 1.1g/sodium: 36.4mg

Ingredients: Mozuku seaweed extract powder, dextrin, pullulan,

glycerine fatty acid ester, phosphorus acid calcium
Click the picture for the specification.
 Refer to Shipping Fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022.
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price  MOQ
 150 capsules/bottle    20 bottles   JPY8,000  less cn
JPY7,500  1 cn
JPY7,000  5 cns
150 caps/bottle  
20 bottles     JPY6,903
with label and its box
 25 cns  
witn label 
plain bottle
3,000 caps/kg  
 1kg/cn   JPY102,700/kg   1kg 
30,000 caps/10kg 
10kg/cn    JPY100,750/kg  10kg 
   OEM with the bottle and/or box requires your desinged label and/or its box by sending them to the manufacturer.
 Fucoidan Extract Granule in sachet (1.5g x 30 sachets)

Made from Fucoidan, a rich nutrient found in seaweed and extracted

from Okinawa Mozuku seaweed, using our original method to maximize its potency. Easy-to-take powder granule packets. A Unit box contains the equivalent of 25g of mozuku seaweed extract. Winner of the Prefecture Governor’s Award for Excellence at the 26th Annual Okinawa Industrial fair!!

Listed below are the main effects of Mozuku seaweed
1. It enhances strength to attack the cancer cells and builds up
2. It suppresses high blood pressure
 and cholesterol  thereby
  preventing arteriosclerosis, cardiac infarction, etc.
3. It acls as a mechanism for sterilization of O-157 and prevents
  stomach ulcer.
4. With its effective influence on intestines, it prevents consti-
  pation and cleans the inner intestines.
5. It relieves stress.

Nutrients: Energy: 5.2kcal/ protein: 0.02g/ fat: 0g/ carbohydrate: 1.3g/sodium: 29.5mg

Ingredients: Mozuku seaweed extract powder, lactose, pullulan
Click the picture for the specification.
 Refer to Shipping fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022.
  Thr prices in red have been applied on and after July 1, 2024 due to the production cost hike.
 As for the lead time on 10kg in bulk, it takes 20 days to dispatch due to the production on demand.
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price  MOQ
 30 sachetes/box    20 boxes   JPY8,000  less cn
JPY7,500  1 cn
JPY7,000 5 cns 
 Fucoidan Pellets (Tablets) 50g (200mg x 250 tbs)
   Made from Fucoidan derived from Okinawa mozuku seawed and then uniquely blended with agaricus mycelium extracted by solid cult ure. Fucoidan is a popular health food tha has been the focus of much interest due to its many recognized physiological benefits. Great for all health consicious people. Recipient of the 23rd Naha Mayor’s Incentive Award.
Fucoidan, Agaricus, Leyss (Ganoderma) and NANO fucoidan.
The formulation is as below.
Fucoidan 25%
Agaricus extract powder (Agaricus 33%) 35%
Leyss extract powder (Leyss 33%) 1%
NANO fucoidan powder (Fucoidan 30%) 1.7%

Click the picture for the specification.
 Refer to Shipping Fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022
  Thr price in red will be applied on and after July 1, 2024 due to the production cost hike.
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price  MOQ
 250 tablets/bottle    24 bottles   JPY4,680
 less cn
 1 cn
5 cns 
 Super Fucoidan 3L (100ml x 30 sachets)



Made from Fucoidan extracted using our original patented method and then uniquely blended with Reishi mushroom mycelium, a popular functional ingredient. Packed in easy-to-take liquid form. Unit box contains the equivalent of 30g of mozuku seaweed extract.

Nutrients: Energy: 5kcal/ protein: 0.1g/ fat: 0g/ carbohydrate: 1.2g/sodium: 37.4mg

Ingredients: Mozuku seaweed extract, Reishi mushroom mycelium
  Thr prices in red havel been applied on and after July 1, 2024 due to the production cost hike.
Click the picture for the specification.
  Refer to Shipping Fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022.
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price  MOQ
30 sachets/ box    4 boxes  JPY12,000  less cn 
JPY11,700 1 cn
JPY11,200  5 cns
Nano Fucoidan Extract Granule (2g x 60 sachets))

We are using nano technology capsule to improvements in bioavailability compared to existing products is expected, and the products are palatable and effects from a small quantity are expected. (Product contains about 36g of Fucoidan extract.)
Ingredients: Okinawa Mozuku (seaweed) extract, dextrine, soy lecithin, trehalose, calcium phosphate
Nutrition Facts per sachet: Energy: 10.8kcal/ Protein: 0.1g/ Fat: 0.8g/ Carbohydrate: 1.0g/ Sodium: 15mg/
Click the box picture for the specification.
  Refer to Shipping fee by EMS with insurance ince June 1, 2022.
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price  MOQ
 2g x 60 sachets/box   8 boxes   JPY28,990 less cn
JPY27,880 1 cn 
Nano Fucoidan extract granule in bulk    1kg/bag  JPY80,600   1 cn 
10kg/bag    JPY780,000  1 cn 
Thr prices in red have been applied on and after July 1, 2024 due to the production cost hike.
Fucoidan Extract (75ml x 60 sachets))


For Integrated Medical Product
Fucoidan extract 100% from Okinawa Mozuku seaweed
3g of fucoidan extract bulk powder per pack (75ml), this product is provided as an easy to take retort extract of fucoidan that was extracted by the original patented manufacturing method.
 This product has been in much demand not only from the individual patients but from the hospitals and drugstores.
 Suppresses cancer groth. (Antitumor activity)
  Enhances immunity. (Immunostimulating activity)
  Makes cancer cells self-destruct. (Apoptotic function.)
  Controls blood glucose level. (Hypoglycemic action)
  And many more.....for protection and improvement for your   health.
Ingredients: Okinawa Mozuku (seaweed) extract powder
Nutrition Facts per sachet: Energy: 12kcal/ Protein: 0.1g/ Fat: 0g/ Carbohydrate: 2.9g/ Sodium: 102mg/
Dosage: After opening transfer it to a glass or teacup and drink it as it is. You can also add hot water or dilute it to your taste.
 Package box size: 132 x 346 x 148 (mm) / 5.5kg
 Refer to Shipping Fee by EMS with insurance since June 1, 2022.
  Thr prices in red have been applied on and after July 1, 2024 due to the production cost hike.
 Click the box picture for the specification
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price MOQ
 75ml x 60 sachets/box    2 boxes   JPY35,280 less cn
JPY34,710 1 cn 
JPY33,380  5 cns
 Dry Mozuku ( Sheet shaped))

      Dry Mozuku 10g
      Dry Mozuku 100g

     Dry Mozuku 2kg
 The features of "Dry Mozuku"
 Time required to return raw Mozuku is 6 to 8 minutes with water, while it takes a few minutes with hot water.
 It will increase 25 to 30 times in volume.
 1). one year presevation is possible at room temperature.
 2). It is convenient for carrying due to its light weight.
 3). No worries about the bacteria and foreign substances
 4). Just dip it into soup as it is for the cooking.
 5). No great difference in texture, as compared with raw Mozuku.
 6). no strong smell peculiar to seaweeds.
 7). You can take much nutrient of Mozuku even in small quantity because it is condensed to Dry Mozuku.
 8). It takes no time to defreeze it for cooking.
 Refer to
   1)  All packages' pictures
   2) The pictures of production process
   3) Specification
 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price MOQ
10g/bag 50 bags JPY330 1 cn
 100g/bag 10 bags  JPY3,510 1 cn
 2kg     1 bag   JPY45,000  1 cn 
6kg     2kg x 3 bags        JPY130,000 1 cn  
 JPY125,000 20 cns  
 JPY120,000 50 cns  
  Ther prices in red have been applied on and after April 1, 2024 due to the production costs hike.
 Mozuku Powder 500g)

           Powder form
    Mozuku powder 500g

    Mozuku powder 1kg
    Mozuku powder 10kg
 The edge materials out of the standard size of dry mozuk
are used for Mozuku powder after passing the quality check
How to use:
You can use the mozuku powder by adding the prefered amount to your various kinds of foods
How to preserve::
Please keep it without high humid and high temperature and
preserve it in the referigerator once it's opened.
Please click the bellow for each specification.
    1) Mozuku Powder 500g
    2) Mozuku Powder 10kg
The prices have been revised higher as of April 13, 2023 due to its raised production cost for the past few years.

 Unit Qty/carton  Unit Price MOQ
 500g/bag   1 to 19 bags  JPY16,900 Less cn qty
 20 bags  JPY16,250  1 carton 
1kg/bag  1 to 9 bags  JPY32,500  Less cn qty 
 10 bags  JPY31,250 1 carton 
10kg/bag   1 bag   JPY312,500  1 carton
JPY310,000   10 cartons
 Okinawa-Amino Fucoidan (365 mg x 90/180 capssules)
    90 caps/bottle

     180 caps/bottle
 Mozuku fucodian extract powder is mainly used for this product, but fortified with Morom vinegar powder wtih much amino acids and citric acids, and Yaeyama chlorella powder, one of the world top chlorella brand.
 Colaboration with Fucoidan, Moromi vinegar and Chlorella boost your imune stystem and fight against cancer cells.
  Especially, amino acids and citric acids much included in Moromi vinegar help Fcoidan absorbed in body fast in Citric Acid Cycle also known as the Kreb cycle.



This product has been developped as private brand with no label on the bottles.
Click the top picture for its quality specification.

  Ingredients per capsule: 365mg for the total weight
       Mozuku fucoidan extract powder: 185mg
       Chlorella powder: 55mg
       Moromi vinegar powder: 55mg
      Capsule: HPMC (hypromellose): 70mg
 Unit Qty/carton
 Unit Price  MOQ
365mg x 90 csps  100 bottles 
JPY4,460  5 cns
365mg x 180 caps 30 bottles
JPY7,430   17 cns

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